Showing posts with label Marcus Aurelius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marcus Aurelius. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2021

Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius (121-180). Roman emperor between the years 161-180. He is famous for his 12-volume book "Ta eis Eauton" (Thoughts to Myself) which is written in Greek, carrying the effects of Stoic philosophy. It has become a symbol of the Golden Age of the Roman Empire. 

He was chosen as the joint emporer of the future before reached the age of 17, but he could not come to the throne until age 40. Marcus who is hardworking, clever and dignified, because he wanted to be satisfied with traditional education in Greek and Latin and rheotoric art, he jumped in with both feet to "Diatribai" (Lecture Notes). Thereafter philosophy was the main subject of Marcus's interest. With the dislike of Christian, Marcus didn't give them systematic pressure. Though there was no change in the legal position of Christians, Christianity was considered a criminal offense on its own, but there were no specific prosecution to reveal Christians.

"Ta eis Eauto" consists of political thought penned up by Marcus's day to day.Marcus had hard-to-reach targets. He was thinking about his triviality, his roughness, and the temporality of the concrete world as well as his own.As an unrelated person in the world, but in another world who does not believe in his existence, he was comitted to the task himself no response, not even lasting reputation.

Though "Ta eis Eauto" is considered one of the greatest works ever made by many generations, the opinions he presented here, with didn't belong to Marcus, they were not original. It based on the moral principles of Stoicism that originated from Epictetus. According to this, the universe was a unity led by a mind and the human spirit was part of this mind. Perhaps due to lack of understanding, Marcus's some thoughts, leaving the stoic philosophy he approached Neo-Platonism, which all pagan philosophies lead to epicureanism. 

“If you end your perceptions, desires and instincts, your soul is free.”

“You must stand erect, others don't keep you alive. “

“Power is in your mind, not out there. When you understand this, you will also find your strenght. “

“Our life is the work of our thoughts.”

“Your own happiness is only depends on itself. “